After several hours of working with sockets in an attempt to do UDP broadcasting,
I thought a little help was in order for anyone else looking to do something similar,
since it uses a number of those "undocumented" functions. Here's how I did it:
// here is a basic opening of the a socket. AF_INET specifies the internet domain. SOCK_DGRAM
// specifies the Datagram socket type the 0 specifies that I want to use the default protcol (which in this
// case is UDP)
$sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
// if the file handle assigned to socket is less than 0 then opening the socket failed
if($sock < 0)
echo "socket() failed, error: " . strerror($sock) . "\n";
// here's where I set the socket options, this is essential to allow broadcasting. An earlier comment (as of
// June 4th, 2001) explains what the parameters are. For my purposes (UDP broadcasting) I need to set
// the broadcast option at the socket level to true. In C, this done using SOL_SOCKET as the level param
// (2) and SO_BROADCAST as the type param (3). These may exist in PHP but I couldn't reference them
// so I used the values that referencing these variables in C returns (namely 1 and 6 respectively). This
// function is basically just a wrapper to the C function so check out the C documentation for more info
$opt_ret = setsockopt($sock, 1, 6, TRUE);
// if the return value is less than one, an error occured setting the options
if($opt_ret < 0)
echo "setsockopt() failed, error: " . strerror($opt_ret) . "\n";
// finally I am ready to broad cast something. The sendto function allows this without any
// connections (essential for broadcasting). So, this function sends the contents of $broadcast_string to the
// general broadcast address ( on port 4096. The 0 (param 4) specifies no special
// options, you can read about the options with man sendto
$send_ret = sendto($sock, $broadcast_string, strlen($broadcast_string), 0, '', 4096);
// if the return value is less than 0, an error has occured
if($send_ret < 0)
echo "sendto() failed, error: " . strerror($send_ret) . "<BR>\n";
// be sure to close your socket when you're done
I thought a little help was in order for anyone else looking to do something similar,
since it uses a number of those "undocumented" functions. Here's how I did it:
// here is a basic opening of the a socket. AF_INET specifies the internet domain. SOCK_DGRAM
// specifies the Datagram socket type the 0 specifies that I want to use the default protcol (which in this
// case is UDP)
$sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
// if the file handle assigned to socket is less than 0 then opening the socket failed
if($sock < 0)
echo "socket() failed, error: " . strerror($sock) . "\n";
// here's where I set the socket options, this is essential to allow broadcasting. An earlier comment (as of
// June 4th, 2001) explains what the parameters are. For my purposes (UDP broadcasting) I need to set
// the broadcast option at the socket level to true. In C, this done using SOL_SOCKET as the level param
// (2) and SO_BROADCAST as the type param (3). These may exist in PHP but I couldn't reference them
// so I used the values that referencing these variables in C returns (namely 1 and 6 respectively). This
// function is basically just a wrapper to the C function so check out the C documentation for more info
$opt_ret = setsockopt($sock, 1, 6, TRUE);
// if the return value is less than one, an error occured setting the options
if($opt_ret < 0)
echo "setsockopt() failed, error: " . strerror($opt_ret) . "\n";
// finally I am ready to broad cast something. The sendto function allows this without any
// connections (essential for broadcasting). So, this function sends the contents of $broadcast_string to the
// general broadcast address ( on port 4096. The 0 (param 4) specifies no special
// options, you can read about the options with man sendto
$send_ret = sendto($sock, $broadcast_string, strlen($broadcast_string), 0, '', 4096);
// if the return value is less than 0, an error has occured
if($send_ret < 0)
echo "sendto() failed, error: " . strerror($send_ret) . "<BR>\n";
// be sure to close your socket when you're done